
9 Things You Need to Consider Before Start Your Startup Business

Starting a startup or a business requires long-term technical, financial and also emotional commitment. We’ve seen and understood why some of them succeed and the rest is failed. They might often lack one thing or more they could not address or manage which eventually forces them to shut down before the could get traction.

9 things you need to consider before start your startup business

So, there are 9 things you need to consider before start your startup business :

1. Implementation is important
The things you need to consider before start your startup business is making an implementation. The idea may easy to come, but if you do not implement it, everything is nothing.

2. Solve a problem close to heart
The things you need to consider before start your startup business is solving a problem close to heart. When you have lived with the problem, just try to understand it with personal experience, survive and also realize it. Then, you will get the solution.

3. Getting started even it is not a perfection
You have to start even though that’s not perfect. Just try to work to fulfill the client’s requirements as per their direction, so they will keep requesting for any modifications to be made midway in the development process.

4. Build the prototype, validate the product and listen to users
The fourth things you need to consider before start your startup business is don’t try to compete with Facebook by gaining your product with the same features as Facebook does. You can just try to address a problem that Facebook hasn’t and find out the reason behind it. Just focus on that.

5. Give the solution first, don’t fall in love with your design
If you fall in love with your design, then don’t do it. Customers want your solution, not only about the design of thing that you served.

6. Think about the problem you want to solve
Every entrepreneur often feel confused about the successful product with a product that has many features. This is totally wrong, you just can remove those unwanted features. You are better off with the great modules that give you a clear problem.

7. Love your customers, let them love your product
The seventh things you need to consider before start your startup business is with loving your customers first. You can make a product that your target users need. Your customer is the most important people, which is they are the stakeholder. Try to love them, respect and also let them love your product.

8. Trust your guts, but verify with validation
Your target audience should agree with your gut feeling, like validated your product. You can find the right product-market even though it is tricky and get traction is even trickier.

9. Is it your site converting users or is it simply your visiting card ?
Your site needs to be engaging and also to be appealing to the target audience. Then, you’re increasing the probability of the customers of getting converted by subscribing to the newsletter, sending a contact request and simply buy the product.

Those are 9 things you need to consider before start your startup business. So, what are you waiting for ? do it and good luck!

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